Those who know me, know that Deadpool and I go way back. From the Joe Kelly days to Fabian Nicieza's Cable & Deadpool run, I've read nearly everything that's featured Deadpool as a prominent character. It's that background which allows me to say that Daniel Way's Deadpool is on its way to being one of the best.
This issue shows the..."interesting" methods Deadpool utilizes when teaching his new Skrull students in the ways of combat. From cutting their own hands off to telling knock-knock jokes, the Merc with a Mouth provides a wide range of hilarity as he trains the Skrulls to kill each other then their superiors.
Way has caught a lot of flack for his writing previously with titles like Wolverine: Origins but it would seem he just hasn't found the right book though it would seem the right book found him.
Paco Medina's art is still colorful and expressive. His characters help to tell the story almost as much as the words on the page.
After the surprise ending of issue #2, it's quite clear Deadpool is going to be integral with the Secret Invasion storyline. Finally, some respect for the character everyone thinks is a joke...though that would probably be 'Pool's preference.