January 17, 2009

Bob's back...Yayyy!!!

Deadpool #6 Review

Once again it's been hard to review some stuff so pardon the two issue gap in reviews. Let's just say there's zombies and the issues almost seem like filler.
This issue has a much different, more relevant feeling as DP fights with Tiger Shark throughout most of the issue. The best parts of the issue, however, have nothing to do with the brawl.

The first series panels show another one of Deadpool's hallucinations/dreams/nightmares as a bunch of celebrities interview him about his battle with the unseen fight with Tiger Shark. Then it's revealed that he's washed up on the beach with a kid jabbing a stick in his eye. Pretty funny stuff.

Later, the best part of the issue comes to light. Bob from Hydra is back and dorkier than ever.
Deadpool tells Bob to throw him a gun only he forgets that Bob throws like a five-year-old girl and proceeds to throw the gun right into the Tiger Shark infested waters. Priceless.
There really isn't anything wrong with Daniel Way's version of Deadpool. He's crazier than ever and it's awesome.

Paco Medina comes back to fulfill his duties as artist and his work is just as colorful as always. A perfect fit for the cooky-crazy writing style of Way.

One problem though. Why does the cover suck? Let's get Paco on the covers and avoid this whole problem to begin with. The cover just doesn't deliver that sense of cartoony fun which fills its pages.

That's all for this visit to your favorite neighborhood Doc. Take two and call me in the morning.
4.5/5 stars

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