I won't start by saying this is a new beginning and that I'll post regularly again. I will say however that I miss writing Doc's Comic Blog like a man misses talking about sports with his buddies. Instead of sports, I deal in comics and instead of buddies, I have all the world to preach to...ideally (and a select few friends who read this awesome albeit excessively-late blog). To those readers I would like to say that I'm doin' alright and miss you all. To all those who happen to haphazardly browsing blogs and read this I say "Welcome!"
Welcome to a blog in which the reviews match the source material. If the book sucks, we'll say it sucks. If it's amazing, we'll unabashedly say so. There are no politics that one might find on other web logs.
Some may be offended by the sometimes coarse language but as a journalism major, first amendment rights are very important to me as well as the other authors on the site. Occasionly, there are books that just can't be reviewed without a giant "This is @$#!^in' TERRIBLE" or is so good that "Holy #%@$" is the only justifiable context one can put it in. We try to avoid this but sometimes it's unavoidable.
Comics aren't for everyone but for those of us who enjoy them, we know how pivotal they are in our lives. It's not because we never grew up, it's because part of us really doesn't want to and that alone keeps us feeling young. Look at Stan Lee, the man's ancient but still kickin'.
So, after nearly 6 months in the waiting and countless hours of revisions...(yeah right), without further ado, lets have a review!!! (applause)
Herogasm #1 & 2
Before we get into this, let's just skip the part where I'm a sicko for buying this. All I know is that after reading this review you'll be somewhat intrigued by the story and (ahem) other things going on in the book. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way...this book was so AWESOMELY BAD that words are scarce! The title alone pretty much gives everything away.
Written by Garth Ennis, who is notorious for pushing the envelope with his heroes in the source book "The Boys" and drawn by the same artist, the book is jaw-dropping for something that can be sold next to "Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man," the kiddiest kid book around. The language and scenarios are just about the most explicit stuff I've ever read but the story is becoming more interesting as the issues progress.
Never having read "The Boys," I had no idea what to expect or who the characters are or what they do in the comic but it's easy to figure it out. They regulate the actions of "supes" if they ever get outta hand. However, they take a back seat to the event known as "Herogasm." Apparently, when there are these big events like Secret Invasion and Civil War, our beloved
heroes actually go to a secluded island where debauchery is the order of the day. Let's just say there's a two page spread where the pages aren't the only thing being spread. Yeah...it's that bad...and worse! If you can see past the gratuitous...everything, there's a genuine story developing, involving the vice president becoming president through a coup d'etat of sorts.
Like I said, I've never read the book but the story is developing rapidly, though it's difficult to see the final destination. One things for sure, the book can go two ways. A)It'll be amazing or B) It'll be the biggest waste of money and was made singularly for the shocking first issue and fizzle out. I can't really see it falling in between the two extremes.
That being said, I feel that with "The Boys" being as successful as it is, this book will manage to satisfy and turn some people on...to the source book.
What did you think I was gonna say?
3.5/5 stars