July 1, 2009

Ever want to see Superman go completely berserk?

Irredeemable #4


Though it's not the DC wonder boy, it is a very similar character called "The Plutonian," who one day decides to go ape-$%$@ and kill millions of nice civilians and fellow heroes.

We're four issues into the story and we still have no real idea what has caused this utter 180 from the nice lovable superhero to this crazy genocidal maniac, aside from a failed love interest, that is. This could be a bad thing but the story and art make the tale one of the more interesting books on the shelves.

We've all wondered what it would be like to see Superman become a violent lunatic and this book shows it in all it's sick awesomeness. We see The Plutonian completely wipe the island nation of Singapore completely off the map all because they offered to make him their king in this issue. What it really appears to be however, is he destroyed their land because the elected official reminded him of the good he used to do for the world.

If I had to put money on it, I say he's gone bonkers because a life a selflessness is not a real life. So, being a man of extremes, he goes to the other side of the spectrum and becomes completely selfish, killing millions.

Just my opinion, but what do I know?

Anyway, can't wait to see where this goes.

Is it bad I hope he can't be stopped? I didn't think so!!!
4.5/5 stars

Tony Stark's not the brightest...

Invincible Iron Man #15
...meaning he's willingly deleting his memories in order to save invaluable data from a certain Goblin who like to wear socks on his head. So, since the beginning of the "World's Most Wanted" storyline which started as a direct link to the end of Secret Invasion way back when, Stark's been slowly making himself more and more dumb to save the world and shows no signs of letting up.

Really not the best idea for the "world's smartest man" to make himself stupid. What happens if Dr. Doom pulls a fast one on the FF or Loki pulls the Asgardian wool over Thor's winged head? Tony Stark would normally help out but now he's gonna be drooling in his alphabet soup trying to say the word "AWHLCLA."

Frankly, I feel like this is starting to drag on. If a story takes more than 8 parts to tell, it should either be completely epic storytelling or just an ongoing thing like "Walking Dead." All the reader sees is Stark become thicker and thicker and Pepper Potts coping with being the new hero Rescue.

Oh, and there's some sort of story involving Maria Hill and Black Widow, which I confess I've pulled a Tony Stark and have no idea what is going on. Apparently, Hill wants to give something Stark gave her to Captain America and Black Widow is going to help her do it.

I have no doubt however, that Matt Fraction is completely capable of bringing all this together, I just really want it to come soon and get going on the next story.

Let's wrap it up.

3.5/5 stars