October 1, 2008

Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse #1 Review

Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse #1
Last year Marvel released the comic book adaptation of the Laurell K. Hamilton vampire crime novel called "Guilty Pleasures" featuring Hamilton's famous main character, Anita Blake.

Blake is an Animator, a person whose job it is to raise the dead for a short period of time and for a fee. Her more well known job is that of a vampire hunter. She is a court-appointed vampire slayer who has earned the nickname within the vampire world as "The Executioner."

Now she's back after a brief hiatus for another adventure which undoubtedly will be featuring zombies.

Issue #1 of "The Laughing Corpse" is every first issue; there's a lot of exposition, a little action and the main conflict is introduced. Like the previous arc, Blake has more than one problem in her life and watching her cope and deal with these problems is the best part about an Anita Blake book.

There are two main storylines in this first issue. The first has Blake meeting a potential client who wants her to raise a 200 year-old corpse. She refuses as the client offers to supply the "white goat," which we come to find out is animator lingo for a human sacrifice. Hopefully, we'll see a lot more of this since she's never raised anything that old.

The second storyline takes place at a murder scene. The reader only knows as much as Blake does which makes the crime all the more mysterious and gruesome. This is my favorite part of the Anita Blake series; going along for the ride as she tries to solve the case all the while attempting to keep some semblance of a real life.

For those who are wondering why she is wearing an ugly pink dress on the cover, it's because of the third storyline. Blake is a bridesmaid at her friend Catherine's wedding. As to why she's looks like Rambo with a small armory, one can only hope she's gonna kick some ass at a red wedding. Oh man...I'm hilarious. Red wedding...white wedding...blood...get it...Oh, nevermind.

Good read and I can't wait for the next issue.

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