October 9, 2008

Change we can believe in...for real this time.

As you can see, Doc's Comic Blog has a political side and with this entry, it's evident which 2008 Presidential candidate Doc wants to see in the oval office. I know, politics on a comic blog is never a good thing but when IDW releases a comic about a candidate, isn't that fair game? John McCain's comic would have a spot on this blog but being that I'm a lowly journalist (journalism student which is actually worse), I couldn't really afford both.

The book is a heavy read. It goes through Senator Obama's entire life in 28 pages thus leading to a somewhat hurried tale. There are some interesting tidbits about Obama's life, the most prominent to me was his openness to experimenting with pot and cocaine in his high school days.
The book then goes to explain his college life, his days as a lawyer, all the way to the present day when he was named the democratic nominee for the White House.

So, here's the thing about this comic. The art is really hit and miss. It almost seems as if IDW asked their artists to draw a picture of Obama and picked the best one. The problem is you have an adult Obama head on the body of an eight year-old Obama. It just looks a little strange. The cover art by J. Scott Campbell however, looks really cool.

The book serves it's purpose as a way of getting the history of Obama out to a younger generation. I know it did for me.

I tried to keep my personal political views out of this review as it may offend some readers. If we've lost some readers due to this entry we ask them to realize that either candidate is better than the one currently in office, but it's easy to go up from crap.

So, here's to the idea of change that each candidate is promoting and to the actual realization of those ideas.


P.S. C'mon, how awful is Palin though? If she is made Commander-in-Chief, it would be a sad day for all Americans. Ohhh...you betcha it would (wink).

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