October 20, 2008

'Origins' Not so Ultimate

Ultimate Origins - The Complete Series Review
Doc's Note: Instead of reviewing all five issues of Origins, we've decided to do a general review of the entire series. So here ya go.
Brian Michael Bendis can really do no wrong in the comic universe. He's a living legend. That being said, the series "Ultimate Origins," the lead in to the Ultimatum story line, was a pretty big let down.

We are able to see some of the secrets behind the biggest events in Marvel comics but there still isn't enough punch in the limited series to deliver a decent ending. It's hard to write a review of the story without giving away a lot of spoilers but the main thing you need to take away is that a certain green guy had a more profound impact on a certain wall crawlers life than we previously thought...in the Ultimate universe, of course. Oh, and apparently the Silver Surfer is some kid. That's pretty much all Bendis' giving up at the present time.

Are the issues worth getting into? If you like the mythos and sometimes entertaining little stories on how things tie together, than "Ultimate Origins" is the series for you. But if you're just looking for something to gear you up for Ultimatum, than just pick up the free "March on Ultimatum Saga" which gives a lot of back story on things that have happened since the Ultimate universe began nearly a decade ago.
3.5/5 stars

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