October 13, 2008

Garth Ennis gets 'Crossed'

Crossed #1 Review
Garth Ennis is known for his adult comic books. Crossed is yet another title to that long list, with its complete over-the-top use of gut-wrenching violence and language that could make a sailor-turned-truck driver blush.

The book is a different take on the zombie genre which seems to be the trend in comics. People have crosses burned on their faces and proceed to do the most vile things a person can think of. While nothing is really explained in regards as to how the people become "zombies," it's quite clear that the book follows a group of survivors.

We all know the interest in apocalyptic-zombie comics is in the character interaction, but it's becoming dull. The Walking Dead is the only zombie book that does this correctly but Crossed takes an a different approach. It's almost as if Ennis read TWD and thought there's not enough F-bombs or gore, so he decided to make one himself.

The book has the nastiest imagery, which I won't go into in detail as to not spoil it, but lets say a little kid gets ripped apart. My jaw seriously dropped with one of the last panels which was a two-page spread and was the most disturbing thing I've seen in comics in a long time.

I find myself buying a lot of Avatar books which I'm kind of happy about. It's interesting to see what comes out of other comic companies besides Marvel and DC, which apparently is awesome grotesquities and a whole lot of swearing.
3.5/5 stars

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