September 15, 2008

The Dark Tower: Treachery #1 Review

The Dark Tower: Treachery #1
The Dark Tower series is a unique comic in the sense that it is full of narration and a bit of dialogue to be a fairly lengthy read each issue, but yet, is still mostly driven by its artwork. Full pages act as one large panel and sometimes even a two page panel is present with large drawings layed out to help tell the story. The dialogue and narration lingers in the skyline and around characters.

The first issue in the new limited series, Treachery, picks up with Roland back in Gilead, with his two ka-tet comrades earning the title of gunslinger. The two boys are not respected by their peers, however, as other boys feel that Roland is the real reason behind their success.

As the boys deal with their problems, Roland is still possessed by the grapefruit. Roland’s dad, however is also on a mission as he rides out with several others to deal with oncoming evil.

Overall, the first issue of Treachery is mainly setting the pieces up for the rest of the series, but it does so by still keeping things interesting. It is almost certain that the two new gunslingers will do something in the next few issues to prove to the others that they deserve their newly received title. Just how remains to be seen, as well as just how Roland escapes his infatuation from the grapefruit and just what is in store for Roland’s father. The first issue will definitely hook readers into coming back for more.

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