September 24, 2008

The Ultimates 3 #5 Review

The Ultimates 3 #5
Let's talk about The Ultimates.

Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch produced some of the best comics to recent date as they reinvented the avengers team so kids could become reintroduced to the Marvel staples that are Cap, Hulk and Iron Man. Twenty-six issues of pure greatness. It would be kind of difficult for Jeph Loeb and Joe Madureira to mess up the perfect cast when the two took over all those months ago.

Well, after their run of five issues it's quite clear someone F*&%ed up, namely Loeb.

Honestly, I can't see it being too hard to keep such an awesome series...awesome. Loeb definately made the Ultimates not ultimate. However, when you start throwing in robot clones, it's pretty clear the writer had no idea what the hell he's doing.

That being said, the conclusion to the awfulness that is Ultimates 3 was certainly much better than all the previous chapters combined but still leaves behind a sour taste that won't go away anytime soon.

Loeb attempts to quickly tie-up all those loose-ends he created in the first few issues. At first the reader has no idea what's going on since it's been about 37 years since issue 4 hit stands. There's a robot creating robots and it's Hank and Janet's son? I had to look back at issue 4 just to see if I had missed something or if Loeb just decided to throw it in without any explanation (that seriously wouldn't surprise me). Luckily, it was the case of the former and I wasn't forced to throw the issue right in the garbage disposal.

The only thing that has kept The Ultimates 3 from being toilet paper is the "Ultimate" artwork of Joe Mad. His drawings are tight and expressive with a subtle nod to Japanese Anime. Although, I find his Hulk to be a little strange looking with his fat feet and little hairdo.

All in all, this series sucked. I think I heard Loeb is set to write the next Ultimates book which is a travesty in itself. What the hell is Marvel thinking? Oh well, at least Mark Millar is going to do Ultimate Avengers which will undoubtedly be awesome.
.001/5 stars

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