September 12, 2008

Deadpool #1 Review

Deadpool #1
Well, Deadpool has finally arrived after the series "Cable & Deadpool" was cancelled. Even though that series ended only months ago, it seems like an eternity since the Marvel universe could make their readers laugh (and not like that bad "Brand New Day" kinda way).

So, here we are with a new ongoing Deadpool series and it starts right in with the action.

The Skrulls have invaded a baseball stadium when a stangely costumed mascot comes out to the field ... only to get blown away by a canon. Low and behold, it's the one and only Merc with a Mouth ready to lay bedlam all over the Skrulls.

The interesting thing is when the Skrulls mention "If he was a significant threat, we would know who he is." This leads to the notion that Wilson has no Skrull mimicing him and that could make for a huge cameo in the solemnly serious Secret Invasion books. This would be sweet for us ... Deadies (I'm officially coining the term).

The book ends with a surprise of sorts as Deadpool offers his help to the Skrulls, which for hardcore Deadpool fans, this is no shock as he is a mercenary and has double-crossed in the past numerous times.

The one thing about the book that didn't fly with me is that there is no indication of who his supporting cast. Where's Weasel? Better yet, where's that old bird Blind Al? She was just as crazy as Deadpool. Deadies the world over would like to know something other than Deadpool's fighting the Skrulls in his first issue of the new series.

That being said, the book had a lot of really good qualities. The first being the style in which Daniel Way writes Deadpool.

Way gives Deadpool not only one personality but, from what I can tell, three distinct voices. There seems to be his physical self, his mental self and then another mental voice. This provides for some confusing dialogue but makes Deadpool all the more crazy and real.

Another character trait which has never occurred in a Deadpool series, is now he hallucinates. There is a panel in which all the attacking Skrulls turn to little cute men and start asking Deadpool for his autograph, to which he says, "Ah crap...I'm hallucinating again aren't I?" upon realizing the unlikely hood of this happening. Pretty hilarious stuff and makes Deadpool, once again, crazier then he's ever been.

The art by Paco Medina fits well with a character like Deadpool. It's bright and colorful and doesn't take itself to seriously. It's a lot better than whoever drew "The Deep End" storyline from "Wolverine: Origins." God, I hate that guy almost as much as I hate Howard Chaykin's art.

This new series will be unlike any other Deadpool book whether good or bad. Some may not like the new direction Way takes Deadpool but for us Deadies, it will undoubtedly be another awesome book about the one and only Merc with a Mouth.

4.5/5 stars

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