September 23, 2008

Won't anyone save 'Heroes'

So, I want to take a break from all the talk of superheroes and comic books to talk about...politics. Pssshhh, just kidding. I really want to talk about...well...superheroes and comic books—in the form of the season premier of NBC's Heroes.

I'll try to say this as delicately as I can.

Heroes season 2 sucked!!!

It was the biggest piece of garbage one could find on TV. The level of writing just tanked after the stellar season 1, leaving season 3 to make up to a lot of lost fans. You can blame the writer's strike all you want but they took the show completely where it shouldn't have gone. Seriously, Peter's in Ireland hangin' out in a pub for more than half the season. Gimme a break.

Now that I've vented on how much I hate season 2 lets go on to discuss last nights premier.

Not that impressed. That's the best I can say about it. The show is looking much more promising but doesn't create that love for the characters. Sure, we still love Claire and her dad, we still even love Peter, Nathan and their sinister mom, we still, just barely, care about Hiro and Ando. The one thing the show has to keep on is characterization. The use of powers and abilities are secondary, which is what the network seems to think everyone likes. Don't misunderstand, powers are sweet, but Witchblade had powers and look at what happened to that show.

The show needs its characters. What happened to Nikki's little kid...what happened to Nikki for that matter. The show throws the viewer into the mix and resolves nothing from the second season (except who shot Nathan). It's still entertaining but I'm comic book guy (obviously) and the premier didn't do anything for me. That's sayin' something.

It would appear that the writers of Heroes are trying to make a real life comic book. It's now obvious that some things just don't translate. How many times do we see a Dark-someone in comics. A heck of a lot. To see Dark Claire in a comic would be so much fun but it's hard to swallow that skinny Mohinder is kicking ass in the TV show. Just something that can only be done in comics I think.

The show can only get better from the debacle that is season 2. I'm willing to watch but the powers that be have a lot of explaining to do and French-speedster-girl fast.
3/5 stars


  1. Dear Doc

    The season premier was awesome. Go back to drawings and text bubbles you person.

  2. Also, Nikki is in the episode, only she appears as 'Tracy.' Also, all stories, regardless of powers or anything else surrounding is character driven. Not to be an asshole or anything Dave. I'm just a huge Heroes fan.

  3. Have you been watching "Fringe?" Definitely worth checking out.
